how we work

When we strive to become better than we are, 
everything around us becomes better too.
— Paulo Coelho


your needs

We care greatly about your needs. This is why we take much care while planning the work we will be doing. Our architects consult the projects at the very early stage and that is why we can address your needs and advise on the scope of work. 

When we start the cooperation we meet with our clients and ask them questions to gather the information that we need to have a high-level overview of the project. After the initial Q&A round we consult with the architects what is the best practice to make that happen. When we get the architects' input we present the client if needed. The second round of Q&A is the basis for the concrete Scope of Work.


our experience

Our developers are well trained, some with more than two decades of experience. With this amount of knowledge, we can provide insights on the best practices and case studies to compare and gain inspiration from. This gives you the advantage of not reinventing the wheel and achieving your goal within a predictable time frame. 

This approach combined with transparent communications makes CodersPeak a great choice for web and mobile development. We love to work with people passionate about their ideas. It is our main goal to make them happy and to see their dream come to be.



When building a house you will always try to find someone with the proper skills and background that shows that he knows what he is doing. At CodersPeak we believe that a group of people working on a project needs to be something more than that. The process that best describes the realization of an IT project is very similar to undertaking a mountain climb with friends. Everyone trusts one another to be prepared and to not fall behind. Everyone is prepared, able to do what they do the best because they climbed that mountain multiple times and they are aware of the satisfaction which comes with the completion of a project.


The way to success is often not easy. That is why all three elements need to come together to make it possible. To make the end product awesome we also add passion, attention to detail performance optimization, security audits and flexibility to what we do. This is our recipe for success which proves to work time and time again for our clients.

our recipe for success